A swarm consists of a large number of bees flying in a cloud that seems to drift along through the air. Swarms may stop to rest in a cluster on trees or structures.

Sometimes it’s difficult to determine whether a honey bee cluster on the side of a building is simply resting there or entering through a hole into an inner portion of a structure. If the cluster size is shrinking but hasn’t flown away, chances are they’re moving in.

Extracting honey bees from structures is considerably more difficult than collecting swarm clusters. A well-established colony may have many pounds of honey, many pounds of adult and developing bees, and many beeswax combs. Removing such as nest is a challenge.

Live honey bee removals are done by experienced, registered beekeepers who have insurance, specialized tools to conduct the removal, and hive equipment to house the bees. Beekeepers deserve to be paid and valued for their work like any other professional.

Got unwanted honey bees?

Property owners may Contact the Highlands County Extension Office at: 863-402-6540

We may be able to help.