The Heartland Bee Newsletter
April 2022 (19th edition)
Bee Informed
At the end of every year, we ask members of our club to fill out a survey to help us better understand their needs. The results from our last survey are in, and though we’ve learned a lot, we’ve been left with a lot of questions.
A majority of our members are relatively new beekeepers, with less than three years of experience and an average of three colonies per person. Almost everybody started their journey with a more experienced beekeeper to guide them. Primary areas of interest are general beekeeping practices, varroa treatment, and honey production.
Nearly all the respondents produce honey, but only a couple members produce any other bee products. Not a single person offers pollination services, and we’re left wondering if this is due to poor communication between local farmers and beekeepers, or simply a lack of need.
We’re very proud to see a significant increase in the number of mite counts being performed, since our previous survey. A whopping 70% of our members perform mite counts at least sometimes, and more than half treat for varroa. Interestingly, a majority of respondents felt that their effort is the most important factor in the health of their colonies.
More than half our members have bought queens. We’re curious to learn more about their experiences, as there aren’t many suppliers available in our area. Would local beekeepers be interested in learning different methods of raising queens, on their own? Or perhaps the club should consider offering queens for sale?
Finally, and most pleasingly, none of our members are unsatisfied with our service. Everybody would recommend the Heartland Beekeepers to others—and many folks have! Half of respondents joined at the suggestion of another member. However, there is always room for improvement; it was suggested that we prioritize field days, workshops, and guest speakers. We can do that! Good to know.
Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback, and for your membership.